Commissioning Tree Information for planning, in line with BS5837:2012 (RIBA) Plan of Work (2020)

Barnes Associates Ltd are leading tree surveyor helping architects and developers with their schemes. Tree surveys to BS5837 are our speciality. We provide high quality arboricultural impact assessments and Tree Protection Plans.

We problem solve so building near trees is possible. Regardless of their protected status, all trees can be a material consideration in a planning application. To ensure a smooth passage through the planning process, you and your design team will need information in line with British Standard ‘Trees in relation to construction – Recommendations’ BS5837:2012, the national standard for the management of trees on and close to the development, redevelopment and building sites. 

Works are done in stages initial assessment/’development windows.’ We provide tree constraints plans in CAD 2D and 3D. Tree retention and removal plans with liaison with ecologists. We can provide tree planting and landscape schemes as well.

Arboricultural method statements are regularly a conditional item, we liaise with developers to ensure storage areas and facilities on-site can be practical whilst still protecting trees.

Often further investigation is required to find out where tree roots are – we provide Tree Root mapping (Tree Radar) services throughout the UK too.

Contact Sue Barnes, Director & Landscape & Arboricultural Consultant,
T 01423 322371 
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