Efendi Architectural: A new focus on construction and manufacturing marketing

In this issue of Building & Construction Review, we are delighted to select Efendi Architectural for our Commitment to Excellence Award.

Having the right marketing approach in construction and manufacturing is essential, not only does it help seal a firm reputation with existing clients but it helps attract new ones. Gone are the days of ‘word of mouth’ – it is now vital to have a robust digital presence; from an eye-catching website, to engaging LinkedIn content.

Many construction companies now employ Social Media Engagement Officers alongside Marketing Officers to keep the posts flowing on social media platforms, which now also include TikTok and YouTube.

However, it is not enough to simply post updates, content must always be meaningful to help beat the algorithm gremlins and even what time you post during the work day can make a huge difference to optimal engagement. Time lapse videos are popular as they can showcase the progress of a building project, alongside bite-sized positive client reviews, trade show engagement, to highlighting a new service or product with high-resolution images and specifications.

Strong branding fosters an edge in the construction industry, keeping you ahead of competitors and more importantly, helps cultivate a reputation built on integrity, professionalism and trustworthiness.

Here at Building & Construction Review, we have been impressed by the eclectic portfolio and knowledge-based professionalism of Efendi Architectural.

The owner, Leo Collier-Bett established the company in 2017 after an extensive background in graphic design, desk-top-publishing, print marketing, marketing strategy, film & video production both here in the UK and abroad. After gaining a degree in Digital Media Design, he quickly co-founded a web-design business with other graduates and then went on to publish magazines for airport lounges, print production for independent financial services and even picked up a Pacific Asian Travel Award for video work in the luxury hotel and resort sector. The tourism sector then evolved and many companies starting using in-house digital marketing rather than using external consultants and gradually Leo started specialising in work for UK manufacturing and construction.

Efendi Architectural has been the culmination of an extensive background across print and digital marketing and within the construction/manufacturing industry in particular, Leo brings expertise to a relatively niche marketing area.

“For decades across the construction and manufacturing sectors, marketing was always on the backburner. It didn’t feel important for many companies as the priority was ‘getting the job done.’ That has all changed recently and if you don’t have an online presence, you are in danger of being left behind. Companies need to now deliver the goods, comply with all legislation and look to be improving their corporate social responsibility.

In a post-Grenfell sector, all eyes (rightly so) are on the current legislation and making the industry safer, especially in regards to building regulations and fire safety in high-rise residential buildings. Dame Judith Hackitt published her final independent review in 2018, which called for a radical ‘universal shift’ in culture from clearer guidelines, more robust paperwork and product labelling, through to reasserting the voices of local residents.

In my job role, I have followed all the movements since The Hackitt Report and am fully aware that this is a landmark shift in the construction and manufacturing sector. Throughout my background in the sector, I have picked up considerable knowledge of the inside workings of facades for example, which gives me a distinct advantage. This allows me to approach all aspects of my work with technical, contextual knowledge, which then enhances creativity, whether written or in visual format.

We can offer a full range of holistic outsource marketing services from construction/manufacturing film and photography, construction time lapse videos, complete or staged project coverage, LinkedIn promotional packages, aerial film and photography, through to brochure, flyers, catalogues in print or digital formats and any other bespoke requests.

With some companies over a period of time, we can offer R&D, consultancy, training through to technical presentations.

The most popular request currently is for social media content and this can work in a multi-purpose approach. High-quality content (whether visual or written) can be modified across social media platforms, website news updates, HR editorials, case-studies through to technical presentations,” explained Leo.

Over the last 18 months, Efendi Architectural have worked closely with Ibstock PLC, specifically Ibstock Futures, a new division focusing on growing MMC throughout the UK construction industry. With an extensive depth of knowledge in the facade space, Efendi Architectural have provided ongoing visual & digital content creation support along with input on a wider marketing strategy to help shape the brand identity, grow brand exposure and support the divisional commercial drive.

“It has been fantastic to be involved in the Futures project with Ibstock, really exciting to be part of the promotion of MMC within the UK and impressive to see a giant of traditional UK manufacturing and construction, with such prominent position and heritage, looking ahead with the aim of improving sustainability and efficiency within the space. We are proud to have been a part of this journey for the last 18 months and look forward to a longstanding strategic partnership,” commented Leo.

Building & Construction Review has earmarked Efendi Architectural as ‘one to watch’ due to the hybrid approach that Leo employs: technical knowledge of the construction and manufacturing sector, combined with a creative flair for visual and digital marketing.

“We use high spec DSLR and mirrorless cameras, which allows for a dynamic range of aspects and visual styles. If a company wants a video time lapse of a project over a year, we can install a static-fix camera, which gives wonderful, transformative imagery over that time.

On a purely creative front, dusk and night-photography of urban architecture can be stunning- think the last dying embers of the sunset reflected in the background, offering a beautiful juxtaposition with contemporary building design or the haunting blues and blacks of the night sky setting on a semi-deserted urban setting, it can look really striking for marketing purposes,” added Leo.

The best strategic marketing isn’t about bombarding clients with hard sales, illuminating content marketing can instead create more engagement and though-provoking discussions through carefully crafted infographics, video tours, interviews, through to short and long-read articles. Efendi Architectural understand the digital dynamics of SEOs, website and social media analytics, so it doesn’t have to be like practising the dark arts.

If you’re looking to futureproof your construction or manufacturing branding, revamp your photography or website or need to ‘think outside the box’ on your marketing campaign, contact Efendi Architectural to start your new approach today.

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