“Architecture is basically a container of something. I hope they enjoy not so much the teacup, but the tea.” Architect Yoshio Taniguchi

For over 20 years, Gromtec Europe Ltd has been involved in the manufacture and supply of mini floor boxes for a wide range of projects from airports to zoos, as well as a growing number of domestic projects. The modern built environment demands safe and plentiful access to power points. While wall sockets are typically the preferred location for power sockets, floor boxes provide power and data points for larger open plan areas, such as offices and concourse spaces.

Gromtec specialises in the supply of mini floor boxes where the surface finish is as important as the boxes function. Like a chameleon, the floor box must often blend into the overall floor finish. Inserts such as wood, tile, or marble are commonly fitted into the floor box lid. We have over the years seen an increase in the specification of mini floor boxes in large domestic projects. Clients are seeking discreet access to power in the centre of their living spaces for a wide range of applications.

These thoughtful inputs greatly enhances and elevates our living and working environments and makes them safer by eliminating unsightly and dangerous trailing cables.

If you require more information about our ‘mini’ floor box range or our IP66 Simonbox product, please see our website: www.gromtec.com or call our office: 02032 867949, we will be happy to help. Enjoy the tea!