Collaboration and partnerships key to DCON’s Recommendation BCR award 2023

After seven years in business, DCON Safety Consultants successfully claim another industry recommendation award. Returning recently to the winner’s podium by receiving the prestigious Guinness Excellence in Business Award for 2023 having already claimed the matching award in 2022 and 2021, Founder and Managing Director, Diarmuid Condon instantly deflected praise to his clients and industry partners where he modestly admits it would not have been possible without the invaluable input of an extensive network of partners.

“We are humbled to have been chosen as the BCR Recommended Consultants for 2023 but the reality simply is, is that we wouldn’t have received this award without our clients, their design teams & project managers, and our consultant partners that we work closely with on a day-to-day basis prioritising health, safety and wellbeing. It’s imperative that we acknowledge all project parties as it’s ultimately a collaborative effort.”

Diarmuid goes on to further remark “We advise and offer guidance on design, planning, procurement, construction and operational outcomes. Outcomes are only attained from buy-ins from our clients. This relationship and rapport extend to our delivery partners – i.e., Main Contractors – who also have to be highly commended. Our service pool is extensive, and it is important to acknowledge everybody involved. Their contribution and hard work allow us to continue with our principal service offering and to extend and expand upon it. Our clients have been very much affected by the pandemic and have had to significantly alter their site practices and manage the challenges presented. This has impacted their resources and these are the real winners of this award. We could not collect or promote this award without our partners.”

As proven leaders in built environmental, health & safety and wellbeing consultancy matters, consulting on various aspects of project design, constructability and operational lifecycle matters for local and global multisector clients, DCON Safety Consultants prioritise and specialise to the highest levels of informed and intelligent advice, senior project resource allocation and compliance assurance. Acutely cognisant of the fact that every project with potential benefits also has potential risks – and with the art of planning centring on the coordination of these two zones of uncertainty – their team of highly-experienced construction professionals consistently prioritises and safeguards each client’s best interests and statutory conformity.

The skills, knowledge and experience of DCON’s staff places them at the forefront of their profession; their unique approach to the services provided is focused heavily on assisting clients in demonstrating confidence to their levels of compliance whilst also exploring how they might improve their safety performance.

With the safety and wellbeing of their own people, their client’s staff and those around them is at the heart of the business. DCON Safety Consultants are passionate and highly committed to continually improving health, safety and wellbeing management in collaboration with clients. They have accumulated extensive experience in the provision of specific health and safety advisory services on large, complex projects and public and private developments.

DCON Safety Consultants serve a wide and varied selection of customers including Public Sector Departments, Corporate Owners, Real Estate Developers, Main Contractors, Design Professionals and Infrastructural Bodies. No project is considered too simple or complex for their team of high-quality specialist consultants and construction professionals boasting an average of 20+ years’ experience working in the built environment.

Principal services provided by DCON Safety Consultants includes that of a Project Supervisor for the Design Process (CDM Advisor Plus), Pre-Planning Compliance, Safe Design Adherence, Health & Safety Strategy Creation, Client Advisory Roles, Physical Site Safety Auditing and Expert Witness. Through these services, they support and influence the design of proven health, safety and wellbeing strategies that seek to help clients achieve high-quality, cost-effective work for the safe design, construction and operation of their assets.

While Diarmuid’s track record in designing and executing strategic safety plans and systems for construction projects in Ireland and the UK is exceptional, his comprehensive background as a construction professional has been key to taking DCON Safety Consultants to where they are today. “We are construction-qualified specialists, and we are there when it is difficult, not just when it is easy,” he promises. “We understand both safety design and the mechanics of construction methodology. Our primary qualifications are in construction and that is hugely important.”

“While we provide safety services, you also need to understand how things get constructed and deconstructed. There’s value in that and it is earned. We understand that value and we are always open to learning and strive to excel in new technologies, be that lean construction, alternative design lay-outs or BIM developments.”

With the Recommendation Award proudly on display, Diarmuid commented, “It is deeply humbling but at the same time I wouldn’t have accepted the award if I felt we didn’t deserve it. This is a moment in time, and it doesn’t define us. It alludes to our performance within a particular timeframe, but we intend to continue delivering for our clients and hopefully that may lead to us to be considered for other similar like awards in the near future.”

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