Ground2Control Cloud Software to help you manage better

Industry specific for Grounds Maintenance, Sports and Facilities Management companies.

Looking to improve the bottom line of your business?
Ground2Control cloud software can help you improve the efficiency of your operation by tracking and managing all the resources involved in your operation. Everything in one place.

  • Employees: Hours worked, costs, training records, holidays, overtime. Clearly identify how much time is spent per customer, venue so you can charge out the true cost.
  • Tasks: Calendars, daily jobs board, things to do
  • Equipment: Maintenance, running costs, inventory, fuel hours log
  • Agrio: Treatment applications, products used, spray records, inventory, stock, nutrient data
  • Financial: Purchase orders, budgets, suppliers, stock records, inventory, cost reports. Compare actual costs to budget.
  • Health and Safety: Comprehensive library of industry specific risk assessments, COSHH, Fire, Work at Height, Legionella, Manual Handling, Safety Documents and more. Easy to use, electronic signoffs.

Ground2Control is a modular system so you can choose what you need. If you want to understand where your business is at, at all times, Ground2Control is for you.

Contact us for a demo:
T +44 (0)1845 445003