Reign in the wind with Vind-Vind

Building and Construction Review is proud to announce that Vind-Vind has received our Commitment to Excellence award.

Vind-Vind was established in 2012 by siblings Per and Leika Jørgensen. “Our first assignment was a little by coincidence in 2011,” said Leika. “We took some classes together in Fluid Dynamics, as we needed the classes to finish our Masters, Per as a physicist and myself as a construction engineer specialist in water building. In 2011, we talked about the possibility of using the same CFD-programs that find loads in water building to find wind loads on ordinary buildings.

“Per’s brother in law, an architect, had been involved in these considerations, and some months later his company, Gröning Arkitekter, needed wind comfort analysis for the planning of a new urban area. They asked if we could do such a survey, and we ended up succeeding very well. Besides doing the simulation, we managed to communicate the results in an easily accessible way. The municipality and the architects were thrilled that they actually understood the results and conclusions. After this, we got more assignments and established Vind-Vind.”

In recent years, wind comfort has become an increasing focus for municipalities, politicians, architects and builders in urban planning and major new buildings. This is because more has been built on wind-exposed areas, for example on coasts, and people have begun to spend more time outdoors, such as in cities and residential areas. What’s more, today’s IT solutions have been developed to make it easier to map the wind and propose solutions and improvements.

Based in Copenhagen, Vind-Vind predominantly provides wind comfort analysis for urban planning. As well as this, the company also does all kinds of simulations of fluid dynamics in combination with constructions. Vind-Vind has done simulations of how the wind influences the smoke due to a fire, wind loads on façade elements, reducing the wave height near offshore platforms, and pressure on façades due to permeability of cladding. What’s more, Vind-Vind is also starting work on ventilation, positioning ventilation channels and passive ventilation elements in buildings.

“For our wind comfort services, building developers are our main clients, however we also collaborate with urban planning architects. We also see municipalities as our main clients, as these have a natural interest that the public urban areas support social activities.

“For our other products, consulting engineers are our main customers. For wind loads we see producers of façade solutions, as cladding is exposed to wind and the most common failures from wind loads are in cladding.”

All of Vind-Vind’s services are underpinned by unrivalled expertise and experience within the industry, and the company works very closely with its customers to help establish exactly what they need.

“We believe our dialogue with the customer is the most important aspect of what we do, even though the calculations are difficult and not for everyone to do,” explained Leika. “To get the best results, we need to understand the problem that the customer is facing, and if the customer doesn’t understand the results and conclusions, the simulation is worthless.

“We benefit from an internal knowledge of the building industry. I have been working with project management in the building industry for many years. We have had some successful collaborations with architects adjusting significant buildings and urban areas due to the challenge of the wind, without compromising the architecture. Some examples are Lighthouse in Aarhus 3XN and Nordbro in Copenhagen with Arkitema, and Karen Blixen Plads and parts of Nordhavn in Copenhagen with Cobe.

“We like to have a focus on the creative process, and get involved from an early stage. It is easier to make adjustments in the early stages, ensuring that it does not become an expensive process. As well as this continuous dialogue, we are always developing our services. We are creative and are capable of transforming known solutions into solutions for other problems, and Per is highly qualified in data analysis.”

Recently, Vind-Vind has had some exciting collaborations with a selection of Danish universities, a result of the company’s passion for exploring new technologies and methods and how they can be used with its services. Moving forward, Vind-Vind will be continuing to expand the type of services it can offer, growing its presence in the market across Europe.

Vind-Vind also recently held a small international conference to mark the completion of its research project into wind load.

If you would like to find out more information on everything Vind-Vind has to offer, head to the website or get in touch using the contact details below.

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